0972974129 / 0973335230 | No.12 Lukanga Road, Off Zambezi Road | No. 19-21 Sable Road,Kabulonga | No. 9 Twin Palm Road, Kabulonga.
June 26, 2024 0972974129 / 0973335230 | No.12 Lukanga Road, Off Zambezi Road | No. 19-21 Sable Road,Kabulonga | No. 9 Twin Palm Road, Kabulonga.
June 26, 2024


Welcome to The Learning Ladder

Message from The Founder

Dear members of The Learning Ladder community,

In 2018, when the seeds of The Learning Ladder were sown, it was a dream nurtured by a profound belief in the power of education and the limitless potential of our youth. This institution holds a special place in my heart, as it embodies my unwavering commitment to providing a nurturing and empowering environment where young minds can flourish. The journey began with a vision to cultivate not only academic excellence but also to instill values of curiosity, resilience, and compassion, laying the foundation for holistic growth. As we look ahead, the path is illuminated by the promise of expansion and evolution. Our goal is to foster a dynamic community where innovation, inclusivity, and excellence intertwine, enabling The Learning Ladder to ascend to greater heights and touch the lives of countless more learners. Together, let us continue to climb, learn, and thrive.

With heartfelt dedication,

Sharzaad Pirayesh

Founder, The Learning Ladder